“I am a C-Suite professional and I just blocked time each week to do something important for me. This experience was game-changing for my career.”
“I expected everyone to be brilliant and bold, what I didn't expect was that everyone is so committed to building each other up. I really benefited from the domestication of the how-to’s: owning my personal brand within corporate walls, creating a keynote, developing my IP and writing a portfolio of go-to stories to build influence.”
“I found myself feeling much more confident in meetings and presentations and am incorporating more human elements to build a deeper connection with my team.”
“Becoming a Renegade helped me find my voice and realize I don’t need to ask permission to use it. I appreciate the tactical approach to the curriculum, simplifying things I had over-complicated in my brain and actually seeing the results.”
“I wanted to immerse myself with women who are doing different things that I find extremely interesting–to deliberately put professional acceleration on my path rather than trying to stumble upon growth at some point in time. Renegade has lit up different areas of my brain and has made me dream bigger.”
“The power of actually being vulnerable to create authentic connections across my team has been my biggest takeaway. I am using my voice in ways I haven’t in the past–incorporating Renegade language with my boss and CEO so they are clear on my ambitions and they know how to best support me.”
“I’ve been at the wrong table, in the wrong room and in the wrong building my whole life. It’s an energy situation and becoming a Renegade made me realize that most rooms I am in leave me empty. In every interaction I have had here, I get so much back in return. Renegade is truly an energy multiplier.”
“It’s official—I landed a speaking agent! The time I took to organize my business during the Renegade Accelerator led to this moment”
“Being a Renegade has given me the tools, tips, and the confidence to say this is who I am and watch me thrive. Knowing that you can reach out to someone who has achieved what you're looking to achieve already and get advice, council, or even just a listening ear, it is invaluable.”
“One of the best professional opportunities for growth I’ve ever had. This community is the real deal."
“One of the biggest wins I’ve had since becoming a Renegade has been finding a voice in places I usually don’t have one. This community has given me the strength and power to not only stand up for myself, but to stand up for my team in really significant ways.”
"My two biggest takeaways were a mindset shift, and building relationships that will lead to funding for my Venture Capital Firm."
"It opened up medical advisory roles for me and the ability to serve on the board of different companies."
“You told me you would 10x my thinking. And you delivered. In fact, being a Renegade 10xed my whole life.”
"I became a Renegade because I needed to step up as a leader. When you are looking for rapid growth, finding a community that elevates you and has your back is critical. Renegade is that lifeline for me. I have stepped into the spotlight in ways I never would have before."
“Renegade is the best investment I’ve made this year. I have seen the most return in revenue, connections, strategy, and big thinking because of the Renegade women.”
“Becoming a Renegade was the absolute catapult for taking me into the direction of where my company is today.”
“I feel invigorated every time I connect with other Renegade women. Being a Renegade has helped me to more fully express myself in my work. I feel supported, heard and seen.”
"The Renegade program enabled me to move from my default career to my dream career as a founder. I've had several women from this community fund my business and we are ahead of schedule to launch."
“This group has been not just a business godsend but a personal salve, because so often there are too many decisions to make. This is the place I feel safe and can say, “I don’t know.” It’s a space I can be both vulnerable and a badass at the same time.”
"Becoming a Renegade allowed me to work on my business, verses working in my business."